
Form at NC Greensboro Acupuncture _acupuncture_greensboro_acupuncturist

Please click here to open a printable version of the Patient Information Form. You can fill it out before your first visit.

 Date:___ /___ /2013


Date of Birth:

Contact Phone:

Email address:

Main Complaint:

Any other problems you are concerned:

Medical history related to your complaints:

For Female: Are you a pregnant ?

Assessment and Plan:
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Acupuncture Pain Care is Chinese Medical Acupuncture in the piedmont at at NC (North Carolina). It include Greensboro,Kernersville,High Point and Winston-Salem at North Carolina (NC). The Office of Acupuncture Pain Care service for pain patients in Greensboro and Kernersville,High Point and Winston-Salem.
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